Amount of lighting | hours/day |
Amount of lighting per year | days |
Power of old fixture | W |
Efficiency of old fixture | |
Efficiency of new fixture | |
Needed power of new fixture | W |
Electricity cost | $/kWh |
Old fixture cost | $/kWh |
Cost of light source | $/kWh |
Light source replacement | |
LED fixture cost | $/kWh |
Fixture replacement cost | $/kWh |
Amount of replacement fixture | units |
New source lifespan | hours |
Old source lifespan | hours |
New Instalation | |
Total cost of old fixtures | $ |
Total cost of new fixtures | $ |
Total energy consuption with old fixtures | kWh |
Total energy consuption with new fixtures | kWh |
Annual amout of save money | $ |
Maintenance | |
Payback period |
Replacement fixtures | |
Replacment cost | $ |
Total cost of new fixtures | $ |
Total energy consuption with old fixtures | kWh |
Total energy consuption with new fixtures | kWh |
Annual amout of save money | $ |
Maintenance | |
Payback period |