buy LED lighting on

Amount of lighting hours/day
Amount of lighting per year days
Power of old fixture W
Efficiency of old fixture
Efficiency of new fixture
Needed power of new fixture W
Electricity cost $/kWh
Old fixture cost $/kWh
Cost of light source $/kWh
Light source replacement
LED fixture cost $/kWh
Fixture replacement cost $/kWh
Amount of replacement fixture units
New source lifespan hours
Old source lifespan hours
New Instalation
Total cost of old fixtures $
Total cost of new fixtures $
Total energy consuption with old fixtures kWh
Total energy consuption with new fixtures kWh
Annual amout of save money $
Payback period
Replacement fixtures
Replacment cost $
Total cost of new fixtures $
Total energy consuption with old fixtures kWh
Total energy consuption with new fixtures kWh
Annual amout of save money $
Payback period

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Phone: +1 208 330 8947

Address: 1712 Pioneer Ave, Cheyenne, WY 82001, USA

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